胎盘胶囊的制作时间越早越好。最理想的制作时间为产后72小时内。原因在于产妇在生产初期体质最为虚弱,产后两周内食用胶囊能够使胎盘中的营养得到最及时、最有效的利用。如果因为特殊原因不能及时制作胶囊,冰冻胎盘可以在冰箱冷冻室(-18 °C)保鲜达6个月之久。
按照我的经验,一般地区的医院都会允许产妇带走自己的胎盘。请您提前和产科医生沟通,并把索取胎盘的意向写入自己的生育计划(birth plan)。此外,入产房后,请再度提醒助产护士关于索取胎盘的意向。
在制作胶囊之前,胎盘的保鲜对于保全营养十分重要。生产后,请护士或家属尽快将胎盘置于无菌的封闭容器或优质ziplock可密封塑料袋中。胎盘在室温下不宜存放超过4小时,超时建议移至冰箱(4 °C)冷藏,或者放入便携式保冷箱(cooler)置于冰袋中间保存。产后若超过72小时,需要把胎盘置于冰箱冷冻室冰冻保存(-18 °C)。冰冻条件下,胎盘的保存期长达6个月
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We would need confirmation from you that both parents are of good health and does not have any blood related diseases such as :-
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, STD or HIV which could infect into your baby's placenta during birth.
The GuidelinesHandering Placenta
Dear Proud Parents,
The placenta preparation should take place as soon as possible after delivery, ideally within the first 72 hours. The first two weeks are the most important and effective time to start taking the placenta. In case that the placenta cannot be processed immediately, it can last in the freezer for up to 6 months.
Most hospitals in the Vancouver area are good about releasing the placenta. We suggest that you tell your doctor ahead of time that you plan to keep your placenta and write it in your birth plan. Also be sure to remind the nurse that you plan to take it home when you check in for delivery.
Please ensure that your placenta is kept fresh. The placenta should be placed in an enclosed container, or in quality ziplock bags. It can remain at room temperature for 3-4 hours following the birth. After that it should be refrigerated or kept in a cooler with ice packs. If it is going to be more than 48 hours before the placenta can be prepared, it should be frozen.
Mama Confinement Services
Malaysia Postpartum Service 产后服务 (No.002555992-D)
(Selangor | Kuala Lumpur | Perak | Johor Bharu | Melaka | Penang | Teluk Intan)
马来西亚胎盘胶囊制作服务 (雪兰莪|吉隆坡|霹雳州|新山 | 马六甲 | 槟城 | 安顺 )